Results of the 3rd POP Fund Grant Competition

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 3rd edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition. Out of 66 applications, we have selected 8 small and 4 medium-sized projects for funding. Below is the ranking list of the projects that will receive funding:

a) small

No.Name of the organizationProject titePlace of implementationAssessmentProposed funding amount
1.Fundacja na Rzecz Psychoprofilaktyki Społecznej PRO – FILLepsze jutroPodkarpacie: Dębica, Łańcut, Boguchwała19,549 500,00 zł 
2.Fundacja KosmosCentrum Edukacji Włączającej wŁącznikToruń18,7549 984,00 zł
3.FUNDACJA POCZĄTEKUkraińska Szkoła Sobotnia w Jeleniej GórzeJelenia Góra16,549 996,44  zł
4.Polskie Stowarzyszenie Pedagogów i Animatorów KLANZA LublinMoja szkoła i przyjaciele off-lineLublin16,549 997,20  zł
5.Fundacja Dobra dla dobraUkraińska Sobotnia Szkoła w Domu Polsko-UkraińskimToruń16,2549 991,70 zł
6.NOMADA Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Integracji Społeczeństwa WielokulturowegoRazem w Nowej SzkoleWrocław1649 324,00  zł
7.CENTRUM DORADZTWA I INFORAMCAJI DLA ROMÓW W POLSCESzkółka sobotnio -niedzielnaŁódź, Pabianice, Grotniki, Konstantynów Łódzki1649 940,00  zł
8.Fundacja “Ukraiński Dom”Szkoła sobotnia Fundacji “Ukraiński Dom”Warszawa, Legionowo, Otwock15,2549 984,20  zł
Table 1. Ranking list of small projects eligible for funding.

b) medium

No.Name of the organizationProject titePlace of implementationAssessmentProposed funding amount
1.Związek Ukraińców w Polsce, Oddział w PrzemyśluWspieramy tożsamość, edukację i integrację dzieci uchodźczych w PolscePrzemyśl, Jarosław18,5199 980,00 zł
2.Fundacja EmicPrzyjazna szkoła – integracja i edukacjaBydgoszcz, Toruń18,25199 980,00 zł
3.Związek Samorządów PolskichPiękny światHalinów (woj. mazowieckie)17,75199 826,00 zł
4.Fundacja PolzaUczymy się razemBiałystok16,75198 110,00 zł
Table 2. Ranking list of medium projects eligible for funding.

Reserve list

12 Projects Funded in the 3rd Edition of the Competition

As part of the 3rd Edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition, the initial plan was to fund 12 small projects and 3 medium-sized projects. However, based on expert evaluations, the Steering Committee decided to reallocate funds between the grant categories. As a result, this edition of the POP Fund will finance 8 small projects with a total value of PLN 398,717.34 and 4 medium-sized projects with a total value of PLN 797,896.00. This adjustment aims to ensure the highest quality of activities carried out under the POP Fund.

“More than 1,500 children will benefit from educational support through the projects funded in this edition of the competition. We are pleased to be supporting both Ukrainian language learning and efforts to level the playing field for students attending Polish schools. We hope that the initiatives funded by the POP Fund will contribute to better integration of students in a multicultural environment,” said Agnieszka Nosowska, Fund Coordinator.

POP Fund Supports the Education System in Poland

Starting from September 1st, all children and youth from Ukraine residing in our country will be subject to compulsory schooling. Polish non-governmental organizations are keen to actively participate in addressing the challenge of integrating students from Ukraine into the Polish education system. The goal of the 3rd Edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition was to select the most valuable projects that support the inclusion of children with refugee experience from Ukraine into the Polish education system, while also ensuring that their emotional, social, and educational needs are adequately met.

The 3rd Edition of the competition is made possible thanks to the support of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, an organization that has been supporting disaster and conflict relief efforts for many years.

We sincerely thank all the organizations that submitted applications. Congratulations to the authors of the highest-rated projects.

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