3rd Edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition

The PCPM Foundation announces the 3rd Edition of the Grant Competition for the Polish Organizations Pooled Fund (POP Fund). The aim of the competition is to select the best projects supporting the inclusion of Ukrainian refugee children into the Polish education system.

The application process will begin on June 18, 2024, and applications can be submitted until July 10, 2024.

In this edition of the competition, applications can only be submitted in the priority area: Support for the inclusion and continuation of education for refugee children in Polish schools, which includes the following priority actions:

  1. “Saturday Schools,” enabling Ukrainian students to learn the Ukrainian language and maintain continuity in the Ukrainian education system while attending Polish schools.
  2. Language and educational support for students in the final years of secondary schools and high school graduates.
  3. Activities supporting the integration of Polish and Ukrainian students in schools – projects only implemented in partnership with educational institutions or local authorities.
  4. Classes about functioning in the local community for parents and students – projects only implemented in partnership with educational institutions or local authorities.

Subject tutoring and additional Polish language learning, along with components of psychosocial support, are permissible only if embedded within a broader support program. As part of Activity 3, it is possible to direct some project activities towards teachers to enhance their skills in working in multicultural environments. Projects that include diverse activities aimed at a specific target group, including those particularly vulnerable to exclusion, such as the Roma community, will be rated higher. Partnerships with educational institutions or local authorities are preferred and required in Activities 3 and 4.

The Grant Competition budget will be PLN 1 200 000 with funding for:

  • 12 small projects (grant amount up to PLN 50,000)
  • 3 medium projects (grant amount up to PLN 200,000)

Projects can start on August 15, 2024, and can last a maximum of 10 months (until June 15, 2025). Each applicant can submit only one project proposal.

The full competition regulations, along with attachments, will be published on June 18, 2024, on the website popfund.pl. On the same day, the possibility to submit applications through the Witkac grant management system will be opened.

The 3rd Edition of the competition is made possible thanks to the support of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, an organization that has been supporting efforts to help victims of natural disasters and conflicts for many years.

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