Polish Organizations
Pooled Fund

– apply now!


The next edition of the POP Fund is coming soon!

Elderly Ukrainian refugees: Navigating life in Poland

„Through the workshop, I was able to connect more deeply with my classmates, gain a profound understanding of emotions, and develop a fresh and optimistic outlook on life”.

Results of the 3rd POP Fund Grant Competition

Collaborative, creative learning that fosters growth.

About the Fund

POP Fund

POP Fund (Polish Organizations Pooled Fund) is a modality with an established track record in other humanitarian crises, where contrubitions of several donors are used to finance programs submitted through open calls for proposals. The unique feature of the POP Fund is that it would be predominantly funded by private and corporate donors. 

Structure, procedures, deadlines

As part of the 1st and 2nd Editions of the POP Fund Grant Competition, a total of 43 projects were completed, and as part of the 3rd Edition, we awarded funding to 12 projects.

The Steering Committee

The Fund is managed by a Steering Committee, which includes representatives from non-governmental organizations, donors, government and local authorities: the WIOSNA Association, the NGO Forum “Razem”, Google, Meta, the City of Lublin, the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, and UNHCR (observer role).



A Pooled Fund is a modality with an established track record in other humanitarian crises, where contributions of several donors are used to finance programs submitted through open calls for proposals. The unique feature of the POP Fund is that it would be predominantly funded by private and corporate donors.

Day-to-day management of the Fund will rest with PCPM’s fund management unit, while key decisions will be made by the Steering Committee consisting of representatives of non-governmental organizations, the largest donors of the Fund, representatives of the Polish government and local authorities and UN agencies (as an observer).

To the POP Fund can apply registerred in Poland: foundations, associations, public benefit organizations, rural housewives clubs, volunteer fire brigades and parishes (regardless of religion).

For detailed information, please read the statue.    

The Steering Comitee will make key decisions regarding the activities and the use of POP Fund funds. The Steering Committee consists of 5 to 10 voting members and non-voting members and observers. Composition of the Steering Committee. Organizations represented by Members of the Steering Committee are excluded from applying to the Fund.

The Steering Committee which makes key decisions regarding the POP Fund activities and funds allocation, meets at least twice a year to establish the rules of competitions – calls for projects and is responsible in particular, for:

  • determining, the thematic and geographical priorities for individual competitions – calls for projects
  • approval of the results of project calls

The PCPM Foundation is the coordinator of the POP Fund. Day-to-day management of the Fund rest with PCPM’s fund management unit, consisting of employees with valuable experience in providing humanitarian aid and managing similar projects.

Our main responsibilities include:

  • Raising funds with the support of other entities
  • Supporting Steering Committee meetings
  • Announcing the call for applications
  • Coordination of the application evaluation process
  • Signing contracts, paying subsidy tranches and settling subsidies
  • Media support
  • Taking care of good relations and efficient communication with donors and the government


Contact details

ul. Pustułeczki 23
02-811 Warsaw

Email: [email protected]
Applying organizations: [email protected]
Additional information also by phone: +48 453 524 824,
available on business days from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

NIP: 525-14-41-253
REGON: 010849302
KRS: 0000136833

Polish Center for International Aid Foundation

The Polish Center for International Aid Foundation, with budget in 2022 exceeding USD 50 million, is one of the largest Polish non-governmental organizations dealing with development, humanitarian and medical aid. We are the only Polish NGO that combines experience of both a recipient of humanitarian Country-Based Pooled Funds, managed by UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and setting up such funds – the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and the UN pooled fund in Yemen.

We always provide assistance in accordance with the principles of humanitarianism, impartiality, neutrality and independence. Thanks to the extensive experience of our employees and investing in the development of PCPM Foundation specialists our actions are well-thought-out, do not deepen local tensions and provide help to those who need it.


The application process for the 4th edition of the POP Fund will start soon. We warmly encourage you to follow our social media channels to stay up to date with the latest information.