Results of the 1st Edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition

As many as 135 organizations from various regions of Poland took part in the competitioWe would like to thank all the organizations that actively participated in the 1st Edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition for “small projects”. In this edition, we awarded funding to 16 projects that will support Ukrainian refugees in Poland and the hosting communities.

Currently, the formal evaluation of applications is underway. Then, the projects will be evaluated by experts.

However, this is not the end of our activities. In the near future, we plan to start the next edition, which will cover all grant categories: small projects (grants up to PLN 50,000), medium projects (grants up to PLN 200,000), and large projects (grants over PLN 200,000).

: We sincerely thank all the organizations that decided to participate in this edition of the competition.

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