Why POP Fund?

POP Fund is a new funding modality to support programs targeting the refugees and asylum-seekers in Poland, as well as, the host communities. It will mark a new, unique avenue of supporting humanitarian aid operations.

Despite being the country receiving the highest number of Ukrainian refugees and still hosting an estimated 2.5 million Ukrainian citizens, international humanitarian funding for Poland is rapidly decreasing in 2023, which is not balanced with increased financial support from neither the Polish government, nor the European Commission.

As a result, humanitarian aid programs targeting nearly 300,000 most vulnerable refugees – children, women with small children, elderly and persons with disabilities – are being shut down, leaving thousands of vulnerable refugees without assistance.

For several months, we have been among organizations involved in the coordination of humanitarian aid talks (UN agencies, Polish and foreign non-governmental organizations) about possible solutions to this difficult situation. To meet their needs, PCPM, based on its extensive experience in other humanitarian crises, proposed the creation of the so-called pooled fund, which is a common fund for Polish non-governmental organizations.

The success of the project depends on the cooperation of organizations, business, the diplomatic community and local government authorities, that is why we would like to invite to support the initiative and encourage to act for a good cause.

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