2nd Edition of POP Fund Grant Competition is launched

Fundusz Polskich Organizacji Pozarządowych (POP Fund) ogłasza nabór wniosków do 2. edycji konkursu grantowego na wsparcie uchodźców z Ukrainy przebywających w Polsce oraz społeczności ich goszczącychDo rozdysponowania jest 6 mln zł, a nabór potrwa do 23 stycznia 2024 r. Do konkursu mogą przystąpić organizacje pozarządowe (fundacje i stowarzyszenia), a w przypadku grantów mniejszych dodatkowo koła gospodyń wiejskich, jednostki OSP, a nawet parafie.

The Polish Organizations Pooled Fund (POP Fund) announces the call for applications for the 2nd Edition of the Grant Competition to support refugees from Ukraine residing in Poland and their host communities. There is PLN 6 million to distribute, and the call will last until January 23, 2024. Non-governmental organizations (foundations and associations) can enter the competition, and in the case of smaller grants, additionally, rural housewives’ circles, Voluntary Fire Brigades units and even parishes.

What projects can be supported? 

Funding is available for projects that support refugees from Ukraine residing in Poland and fit into one or more of six priorities:

  1. Improvement of accommodation conditions
  2. Support for voluntary relocation of refugees from the mass accommodation centers
  3. Support to refugees facing barriers in accessing the labour market, including refugee women with children until the age of 7.
  4. Support to older (retired) refugees, and/or persons with disability.
  5. Support to inclusion and continuation of education of refugee children in the Polish schools.
  6. Support for refugees from other groups at risk of social exclusion, including ethnic minorities and sexual minorities.

The project should primarily target refugees from Ukraine, but may also include communities  experiencing similar difficulties. For small and medium-sized projects, refugees from Ukraine must account for at least 50% of the recipients, and large projects at least two-thirds.

A list of POP Fund thematic priorities is available here: POP Fund Thematic Priorities

Projects eligible for funding in this call may start no earlier than March 1, 2024, and must conclude no later than December 31, 2024

In the 2nd Edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition, the pool of funds is PLN 6 million. The budget will be distributed among three categories of projects:

– Small Projects (up to PLN 50,000) – 12 projects are planned to be financed

– Medium Projects (up to PLN 200,000) – 12 projects are planned to be financed

– Large Projects (up to PLN 500,000) – 6 projects are planned to be financed

Within these categories, regardless of the size of the project, the amount of PLN 1,116,000 will be allocated exclusively for the implementation of activities in which the primary audience is the elderly.Organizations do not need to have their own contribution, but they must be registered in Poland and, depending on the size of the grant, have between one and three years of experience in implementing aid activities. We invite applications especially from organizations running projects outside of Poland’s largest cities.

How and where to submit an application? 

Organizations can submit applications in Polish only through the grant processing system Witkac.

Important deadlines! 

Start of the competition: December 27, 2023 (Wednesday).

On January 8, 2024 (Monday) at 15:00 there will be an online information meeting for applicants on how to prepare an application for the competition.

Closing of the call for applications: January 23, 2024 (Tuesday). After this date, submission of applications will not be possible.

Planned announcement of competition results: February 21, 2024 (Wednesday) via the Witkac system and on the Fund’s website popfund.en

Regulations, additional information and contact.

Detailed regulations and additional information about POP Fund are available here: POP Fund Regulations.

You are also welcome to contact us by email at [email protected]. Additional information can also be obtained by calling +48 453 524 824, available on business days from 10:00-16:00.

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