Recruitment of experts for the evaluation of applications

The PCPM Foundation is recruiting experts to evaluate grant applications for the 1st Edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition. This competition aims to select the best projects implemented by Polish Non-governmental organizations with the primary objective of supporting refugees from Ukraine who are residing in Poland.

Requirements for experts:

  • Knowledge and experience related to POP Fund thematic priorities.
  • Ability to clearly formulate opinions on projects in written form
  • Knowledge of the sector of NGOs operating in selected thematic areas and/or the humanitarian aid sector for refugees from Ukraine in Poland
  • Experience in evaluating projects under other grant competitions will be welcomed
  • Availability to evaluate project applications between December 1 and 13, 2023
  • Willingness to sign a declaration of impartiality


  • Evaluation of project proposals in the grant management system (Witkac system) based on the criteria defined in the Competition Regulations
  • Participation in training on the evaluation of applications
  • Participation in discussions at the meeting of the committee evaluating applications (online or in Warsaw).

persons there will be settlement by invoice. The rate for the evaluation of one project application is 180 PLN gross.

Due to the nature of the competition, the exact number of applications to be evaluated is not known at this time. The PCPM Foundation reserves the right to select only some of the submitted experts to evaluate applications in the current edition of the grant competition. Evaluation of applications in the next edition of the competition is planned for January/February 2024 – PCPM reserves the right to contact the candidates submitted in the current recruitment to invite them to evaluate applications in the next edition.

The application should include:

● A brief resume or biography of the expert(s).

● Information on the thematic areas in which the candidate has the most experience and knowledge

Applications should be sent by November 24 to [email protected] with “POP Fund Expert” in the subject line

Attachments (in Polish):

1) Priorytety tematyczne
2) Wyciąg z Regulaminu Konkursu – kryteria oceniania wniosków
3) Pusty formularz wniosku projektowego

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