Together for a just cause. Who is behind the POP Fund?

The POP Fund is an initiative that unites individuals who have come together to collaboratively seek a solution to the sudden decrease in funding for Polish non-governmental organizations engaged in assisting Ukraine. Together, we have taken on a challenge that that will support Polish organizations, enabling them to effectively help refugees from Ukraine

Collaboration across divides – the key to the success of the POP Fund

The strength of the POP Fund lies in collaboration. The fund is built upon a partnership between various sectors, including non-governmental organizations, businesses, and local and central governments. Collaboration between us is a key element to the success of this initiative.

The Role of the Foundation vs. the Role of the Steering Committee

As the PCPM Foundation, we act as the coordinator of the Fund. Our responsibilities include fundraising, announcing application calls, contract signing, project account settlement, and reporting. However, key decisions related to project selection and fund allocation are made by the Steering Committee, which is composed of representatives of NGOs, donors, the government and non-governmental sectors, and a UN agency as an observer

The Steering Committee includes representatives of:

  1. Google
  2. Meta
  3. WIOSNA Association
  4. NGO Forum “Razem”
  5. City of Lublin
  6. Ministry of Interior and Administration
  7. UNHCR (as an observer)

The diverse experiences of each Steering Committee member play a crucial role in selecting the best projects to be submitted for the Grant Competition. It’s essential to recognize that through their collective efforts, we can provide support to those who need it most.

Invitation to co-create the initiative 

The Polish Organizations Pooled Fund has the potential to meet the needs of numerous organizations in Poland, and thus the needs of thousands of individuals. Therefore, we encourage the private sector to directly support the Fund and organizations to submit applications. Good luck!

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