We invite social cooperatives to apply for small and medium grants under the POP Fund competition!

Appreciating the vital role that social cooperatives play in professionally activating individuals from groups at risk of exclusion, we are broadening the range of entities eligible to apply for grants in the 2nd Edition of the POP Fund Grant Competition. Social cooperatives are now eligible to apply for both small grants (up to PLN 50,000) and medium grants (up to PLN 200,000), provided they meet other formal requirements. These requirements include having sufficiently extensive experience and transparently publishing their financial and substantive reports on the Internet. 

On January 9, 2024, an amendment was made to the Competition Regulations. The current text of these regulations is available here

The amendment introduced a new point, 3.1.5 which states that: “Social cooperatives registered in the territory of the Republic of Poland in accordance with the Act of April 27, 2006 on Social Cooperatives (Journal of Laws 2023, item 802) are entitled to submit a Grant Application for either a Small Project or a Medium Project”.

Important reminder: the deadline for submitting applications under the competition is January 23, 2024.

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